Wednesday 17 April 2013


We've officially moved into the new place and I must say that I'm completely in love with our room. Renting in Singapore is probably just as expensive as New York or Paris and half as satisfying seeing that the space is almost always small. Which is why I'm glad that our room comes with an attached balcony that oversees lush greenery.

Having said that, unpacking for two people is quite a feat! While most girls would wonder if the cupboards could fit two people's wardrobe, I was wondering what else to add on to fill up the spaces! For a girl I have very few clothes and they took up two shelves just as his took up another two. Still as you can see in the picture, there's still so much to unpack! That, on top of trying to personalise the space.

Here are the boxes when we first arrived.  And the last photo shows me in the middle of unpacking. It seems like a tornado has passed.

I'm not sure how many girls out there feel this way but my housekeeping style mirrors that so much of on mum's that it surprises me. For example freshly washed and folded clothes always go to the bottom of the cupboard/drawer. Towels must always be hung up to dry, a floor mat must always be in the toilet to dry the feet. Will see what else I'll uncover about myself.
In the meantime, I'm still adjusting to the place, playing housewife and just taking in the freedom that I'm blessed with.

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