Sunday 12 May 2013

Lesson in life -on leftover sambals

I have a bad habit of not tasting my food while cooking so it was only after happily digging into my sambal terung that I realised it was bitter and tasted horrible! 

And I know it wasn't because I didn't put enough salt but because I had used a 4 day old blended sambal which obviously had turned bad even in the fridge :( 

This living on your own and cooking for one (sometimes two) isn't so fun sometimes. I'm not used to cooking such small portions as we usually cook Malay food for an entire family of 4-5 people so there's always leftovers. 

And between Frenchy and me, there are always leftovers in the fridge. Well, at least I didn't feed him leftover spoilt sambal. He might hate it for life and then I'm not gonna have anyone to help me finish up my dish! 

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