Sunday 5 May 2013

In search of the right spouse I

Frenchie and I are not married yet but it's on our list of things to do. I suppose you can say that it's not easy for us to get married due to the clash of cultures and religion surrounding both of us. He was born a Catholic in France and I was born a Muslim in Singapore. Add that to the cultural difference, you've got yourself a big mess. 

As to how we met... well, he'll tell you that we met in a library (bookstore) where we wanted to buy the same book and he couldn't stop talking to me about it so I ended up asking him out for coffee to continue talking about it. Plus he got the book for me so that's a bonus.

But what I remembered most about our first meeting was how we were both sweaty - me from gym and him from running around all day in the lab. We weren't really dressed for a date and we ended up drinking coffee by the side of the river just watching the lunar eclipse. We talked for hours really... till about 1am on a Monday night about all sorts of things from cross-pollination of plants, about the salmons communicating by rubbing their skins against each other and a host of other (almost geeky) stuff. We barely knew each other and yet we were talking like we've known each other all our lives. 

I didn't know what struck me about that moment; sprawled on the stone steps by the water, smelling of sweat and really - not the impression-making kinda moment. But it did. I was myself and so was he and we didn't care how each other looked nor were we pretending to say things or do things to make the other like us. And there it was. 

We saw each other everyday that week and now, a little after a year later, we go to sleep every night, holding hands. <3 

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